This is the oil refinery in Pitesti. Yuck.

These are pictures of the public pool in Pitesti. Its the first time I went because we have heard too many horror stories about the nasty water in the pools in Romania. My friends Livia and her daughter Nicki have been going everyday so Colleen and I decided to try it out. It actually wasn't that bad.
So this girl underneath is putting olive oil on!!! How crazy is that!! Talk about cooking yourself. Thats an expensive brand too!!

Colleen, Nicki and Livia. Colleen lives here with her French husband and they just had their baby on the 5th of August. Liam. Very cute. Im so lucky to have met another American female!! Nicki was born in England and lived there for 8 years until her parents moved here to start a business. Her mom is Romanian and her dad British.

After Romania joined the EU people have been flooding to Western Europe for work. There have been some recent cartoons. Funny!!

This is talking about the free right for movement then the French policeman is telling the Gypsy to move! Romania is getting a lot of flack for the Gypsies.

My mean little Grigore in his favorite chair.

Some graffiti in the Center of Pitesti. It is something in Italian about GO!
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