This is the little owl I made. Isn't he cute??!! I have a lot of time on my hands to make fun things. Its better than watching too much tv. I had to sew him by hand because I'm not quite sure how to use the sewing machine although it looks easy. It is manual and you have to pump it with your foot.

This is the Catholic Church in my city. Ive never been so I decided to go take a look.

There was a basketball tournament in the center for the youth that McDonald's sponsored.

Normal wedding dress. Slutty isnt it??!! Its actually quite pretty but only some chick who doesn't mind her grandfather and male relatives staring at her naughty bits could wear it. Some women love to wear see through shirts with dark bras. They are going through the 80-90's still.

This is a small pub/beer garden that we often go to. They are right next to the center yet still have cheap beer and food. They also have a few live in dogs to play with.

Oh he is soooo sexy!!! I was at a beer garden across the street and could not pass up the opportunity of a pic. The girl with him was a Gypsy with very bright clothes and we could not tell if he was Italian or just a Gypsy who came from there. As you can see he has a very large gold chain and charm on. Yuck!! I think he wants to be Rico Suave.

This was a wedding party walking through the center on the way to the church.

There are a ton of cars for the kids to rent in the center. They can rent them by the minute. You have to watch out or you will get ran into because they are everywhere!!

A neat fountain

I won!!!!! Two times in a row!!! So random.

We had Pitesti Days last week so there was a concert in the center. We also got to see the new fountain that the city hall paid 1 million Euros for. No I'm not kidding!! Elections were on June 1st so all over the country Mayor's made idiotic wasteful projects. The fountain plays music orchestra style and lights up for 2 different half hours each night.

Look at all the phone cameras in the crowd. Just like me, all the Romanians try to take as many pictures of fireworks as they can. haha

These are some friends. "Zorro", his girlfriend Alina, Cristian and Coulter my Peace Corps sitemate. Cristian is the huge guy in the middle, my boyfriend. haha

Cockroaches!!!!!!!!! All the blocs have them in Romania no matter how clean. Everyone just hopes they remain outside. If the bloc administrators don't continuously clean the basements they will start coming into the apartments. This is on the balcony of my French friends.

Yummy Popcorn!!! He actually dragged it off and ate it. Actually quite cute yet disgusting.

Another fountain in the center. We have a very nice center.

Ok, could have done without the cockroach show...I did tell you about Uncle Denny's mom & dad getting an infestation of them this past year, didn't I? Yuck!
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