Piaţa Victoriei- It was in this square that thousands of demonstraters gathered on December 16th, 1989 following the siege of Lazlo Tokes house. On December 17th tanks rolled into the Square and fired on the crowd. By 20th December the 100,000 strong crowd had taken over some tanks, and the army retreated. The bloodshed then spilled over into Bucureşti.
National Theater and Opera House. There is a memorial directly in front of the Opera House that reads "So you, who pass by this building, will dedicate a thought for free Romania."

This little boy was trying to catch a bird.

Finally!! He brought it over to his friend where they were allowing only a select few birds eat the food. They were even petting them. It was really cute. They were shooing the other birds away too. It is nice because the little boy is a gypsy so it is nice to see them playing together because you often don't see a Romanian interacting with a Gypsy.

Piaţa Libertăţii- This square is built on top of 17th century Turkish baths. It was here that the leader of the 1514 peasant revolt, Gheorghe Doja, was tortured before being executed. Doja's peasant army, after an initial victory, was quickly squashed, captured and killed. Legend has it that upon Doja's public execution, his followers were forced to eat parts of his mutilated body as a appetizer before their own executions.
More birds. There is a net trying to keep them out but the birds ripped it apart.
There is a bird that got caught in the net here and died. Sad.

This is the memorial for the peasant revolt.

Yummy lets eat with the birds.

All I can think of is the diseases that birds spread...blah! I can tell that you used your time in University well....or you are reading off of the little tags found on historic points of interest, regardless, well done :)
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