Village and Skiing
This is a guy walking down the street yelling. I thought it was a crazy man at first so I ran to the window but he was just trying to sell handmade brooms.
I started my life in Romania as a Peace Corps Volunteer in 2006, fell in love and decided to stay indefinitely. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and experiences described below are mine personally. Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government. Please do not copy or forward any of these contents without my permission.
Hi Tina,
I love looking at all of your pics. How much longer are you there for?
You look so pretty in all your pictures, and like you are having sooo much fun! I miss you tons, write soon.
Hey Christina - Chris helped me get set up again to see your blog site with Firefox. Both feet strapped to a snowboard sounds pretty scary!!!
Uncle Denny
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