I spend Thanksgiving in Craiova about 2 hours south of me with 4 other volunteers. It was a lot of fun cooking the meal with the little necessities we had. In the picture above I am looking rather stupid and rolling out the pie dough with a huge jar. No rolling pin. As you can see, we also had to bake the pie in a pot!! It still turned out good.

This is out "Turkey" which was really two mini chickens. We went the day of and bought them so they were frozen. They had to sit under the hot water to thaw. As well as the gizzards, the romanians leave the chicken feet in the stomach as well. Nasty!!

This is Matt sticking one of the feet up his nose. We just couldn't pass up the opportunity to all touch the feet.

Caitlin works with storks and birds in her city and has to feed them the raw chicken a lot. We put her in charge of the "Turkey" because noone else wanted to touch them. The above picture is us first discovering the feet. Then playing some more with them. It was really disgusting. I also brought my cat Mija along who got a lot of the left overs. I couldn't allow her to eat or munch on the feet.

We ended the night at an Irish Bar. There
is a funny story that involved throwing potatoes and corn out of the window to catch in a huge Romanian wooden spoon. Caitlin actually caught potatoes from the 5th floor window twice, which was pretty impressive. Somehow I ended up setting off a car alarm with mashed potatoes and we decided to quit!! That is how we got invited to the bar by the landlords son who came up to see what we were doing. I told him that we were trying to feed the leftovers to the homeless dogs. He thought it was pretty funny.
When we got home at 4am a creepy Romanaian guy (with puzzle pieces painted all over his car who tried to drive us home after one to many drinks....we walked) came to the door with my name written on a board in chalk and wanted me to go to the city with him. We were laughing so hard and ended up shutting the door in his face. It was really funny. Poor ugly guy.
P.S. I have no idea how these creepy Romo guys decide to stalk me.
I do nothing to persuade them!!
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